Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 5, 2014

Water Bully

No, we're not talking about the Tarrant Regional Water District, for once.  This time it's Dallas.

When are they going to learn?  Marvin Nichols isn't the answer. Will someone please get the board bobble heads to think outside of the box?

Kudos to Rep. Simpson for standing up for THE PEOPLE.  Wonder if he knows Mary Kelleher?

Earlier this month, the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board recommended that the board’s members use their authority to compel water planners in northeast Texas to officially drop their opposition to the project, so that the official State Water Plan would be consistent. This did not sit well with East Texans, including Representative David Simpson, of Longview, one of the leading standard-bearers for the tea party wing of the Republican party in Texas. At a hearing in Arlington early this month, he called the agency a “bully.”

Read This Land Is You Land, Until Dallas Needs It in Texas Monthly.

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